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DiscountMagsHGTV Magazine is a fresh, new home lifestyle magazine that gives readers inspiring, real-life solutions for all the things that homeowners deal with every day -- from painting to pillows to property values -- in an upbeat and engaging way
MagazineBargainsHGTV Magazine, based on the popular programming network, takes a fresh outlook on home lifestyle. Giving readers inspiring, real-life solutions for all the things that homeowners deal with every day -- from painting to pillows to property values -- in an upbeat and engaging way.
MagazineLineHGTV Magazine focuses on home and garden improvement, maintenance, and remodeling.
MagazineValuesHGTV Magazine is a fresh, new home lifestyle magazine that gives readers inspiring, real-life solutions for all the things that homeowners deal with every day -- from painting to pillows to property values -- in an upbeat and engaging way.
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