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AmazonAperture Magazine has been described by leading professionals as 'the most serious and the most valuable periodical in the photographic world' and 'a permanent testimonial to the great photographers of our time' and 'essential for anyone who takes photography seriously.' The printing and binding are of exceptional quality and the paper is extra heavy coated stock.
SubscriptionAddictionAperture magazine was created by photographers and writers in order to communicate with creative people everywhere. Each issue brings together thought-provoking and inspirational images by great photographers and insightful essays by the most fascinating writers.
SpeedyMagsAperture was created by photographers and writers in order to communicate with creative people everywhere. Each issue brings together thought-provoking and inspirational images by great photographers and insightful essays by the most fascinating writers.
MagazineLineAperture Magazine combines thought-provoking commentary with visually immersive portfolios.
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