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DiscountMagsArchaeology combines worldwide archaeological findings with photography, specially rendered maps, drawings, and charts. Articles cover current excavations, recent discoveries, and special studies of ancient cultures. Regular features: Timelines, news briefs, film and book reviews, current museum exhibits, The Forum. Two annual Travel Guides give trip planning information.
MagazineLineArchaeology Magazine covers adventure, discovery, culture, history & travel in the archaeology field
SubscriptionAddictionArticles are written by professionals and edited for the general reader.
AmazonArchaeology magazine brings the ancient world to life. Archaeology offers readers incisive reporting, vivid storytelling, compelling photography -- and the latest news from around the globe -- all devoted to exploring the world�s ancient past. Whether reporting from a dive on an Arctic shipwreck, trekking through Afghanistan, or digging just beneath Beirut, Archaeology�s editors and writers bring readers the science, and the magic, of archaeological discovery.
MagazineValuesArchaeology magazine brings the ancient world to life. Archaeology offers readers incisive reporting, vivid storytelling, compelling photography -- and the latest news from around the globe -- all devoted to exploring the world?s ancient past. Whether reporting from a dive on an Arctic shipwreck, trekking through Afghanistan, or digging just beneath Beirut, Archaeology?s editors and writers bring readers the science, and the magic, of archaeological discovery.
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