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MagazineLineAutoweek Magazine is for the car and truck enthusiast who just can't wait to learn the latest news.
MagazineValuesAutoweek is America's only weekly auto enthusiasts magazine! It is the prime source for information about new domestic and imported cars and trucks. Read about driving impressions, road tests, product evaluations and upcoming and past auto shows and motorsports. Also, keep up with the latest in automotive industry trends.
DiscountMagsAutoWeek magazine should be auto enthusiasts' go to magazine. Thanks to its weekly format, subscribers are kept up-to-date on the latest happenings in the automotive industry. Each color issue includes vehicle tests, industry insider news, coverage of race events and classifieds. What's more, its concise articles give readers everything they need to know in the auto world without the lengthy fluff found in so many other magazines.
AmazonAutoweek is America's only fortnightly enthusiast magazine, providing in-depth analysis, insider information, historical perspective, unparalleled auto show and racing coverage, and industry-first vehicle previews and reviews delivered right to your door.
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