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Baseball Digest
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MagazineBargainsFor baseball fans interested in big-league baseball.Articles are selected from leading columns from sports pages in newspapers and magazines throughout the country.
DiscountMagsWritten for major-league baseball fans, Baseball Digest brings readers coverage of major league baseball all year round. You'll get player profiles, features, trivia, a crossword puzzle, ""Rules Corner,"" a letter section for fans, in-depth statistics, and special issues covering the World Series, upcoming big-league rookies, and Player and Pitcher of the Year selections.
MagazineLineBaseball Digest is the magazine that brings you coverage of major league baseball all year round
AmazonBrings readers coverage of major league baseball all year-round--including player profiles, features, trivia, a crossword puzzle, Rules Corner, a letter section for fans, in-depth statistics, and special issues covering World Series, upcoming big-league rookies, Player and Pitcher of the Year selections.
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