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AmazonGet the most out of dynamic Christian living.
SpeedyMagsCharisma and Christian Life Magazine is a monthly publication with the mission of educating and challenging the Christian charismatic renewal community.
SubscriptionAddictionEdited for the contemporary Christians. Editorials include: Teaching articles, which help readers apply bible teachings to everyday experiences.
MagazineValuesEdited for the contemporary Christians. Editorials include: Teaching articles, which help readers apply bible teachings to everyday experiences.
DiscountMagsCharisma & Christian Life addresses all aspects of contemporary life and discusses them from an interdenominational Christian perspective. You receive with each issue a calendar of events, personality profiles, devotionals and inspirational stories, book reviews, articles on healing the mind and spirit, features about evangelism, and more!
MagazineLineCharisma Magazine is filled with news of God's work for passionate, Spirit-filled Christians.
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