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SubscriptionAddictionChirp Magazine Especially for preschoolers and beginning readers, Chirp uses simple text, engaging artwork, and age appropriate games, puzzles and crafts to delight parents and children alike.
DiscountMagsEspecially for preschoolers and beginning readers, Chirp uses simple text, engaging artwork, and age appropriate games, puzzles and crafts to delight parents and children alike.
MagazineValuesEspecially for preschoolers and beginning readers, Chirp uses simple text, engaging artwork, and age appropriate games, puzzles and crafts to delight parents and children alike.
SpeedyMagsEspecially for preschoolers and beginning readers, Chirp uses simple text, engaging artwork, and age appropriate games, puzzles and crafts to delight parents and children alike.
AmazonCanada's unique magazine for begining readers, Chirp reflects the energy, curiosity and humour of children ages 3 to 6 as they discover the world around them. With read-out-loud stories, engaging illustrations, interactive puzzles, games and crafts, Chirp is a comforting companion for kids.
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