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SpeedyMagsThis magazine features celebrities that Gen Xers grew up watching and focuses on positive stories instead of scandals. It also includes age-appropriate advice on fashion, beauty, health, fitness, diet, recipes and decorating.
AmazonCloser Weekly is a feel-good celebrity magazine that features stars with long and illustrious careers like Valerie Harper, Tom Selleck, Sally Field, Doris Day and many others in an uplifting and positive way. Closer also provides a sophisticated, age-appropriate take on home, fashion, beauty & diet.
MagazineValuesThis magazine features celebrities that Gen Xers grew up watching and focuses on positive stories instead of scandals. It also includes age-appropriate advice on fashion, beauty, health, fitness, diet, recipes and decorating.
DiscountMagsCloser is an entertainment and TV magazine that reports the latest news about the A-List celebrities its Generation X readers grew up with.
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