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MagazineLineCobblestone is the award-winning American history magazine for kids ages 9-14 (grades 4-8).
MagazineBargainsCOBBLESTONE is packed with lively and compelling articles and sidebars. Historic photographs, original illustrations, primary documents, maps, activities, and contests complement the text and appeal to young readers.
DiscountMagsCOBBLESTONE is the award-winning and respected leader in the study of American history for young people. COBBLESTONE tells America’s story through a unique mix of captivating articles, lively graphics, historical photographs, primary sources, and maps. Each themed-issue examines historical events in detail making them exciting and relevant to today. A must-have for every history classroom and media center. Grades 5-9
MagazineValuesCOBBLESTONE is packed with lively and compelling articles and sidebars. Historic photographs, original illustrations, primary documents, maps, activities, and contests complement the text and appeal to young readers.
AmazonCobblestone is the award-winning American history magazine for kids ages 9 to above (grades 4 and up). Future historian will enjoy reading about many events and places, such as Colonial Williamsburg to famous battles of the Civil War, to the Gold Rush, to the Korean War.
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