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DiscountMagsCosmopolitan is the essential magazine for women. Each issue is filled with the style & beauty tips, the latest celebrity gossip, relationship help, sex advice, quizzes, games and more! You won't want to miss out on this fantastic offer - this magazine subscription will keep you fit, fashionable, and sexy!
MagazineLineCosmopolitan Magazine is the ultimate magazine for today's modern woman.
SubscriptionAddictionCosmopolitan was created to help contemporary women achieve their goals and live fuller, more glamorous lives. Monthly features include beauty tips, solutions on how to deal with boyfriends or spouses, career problems, and ideas on how to alleviate stress
AmazonCosmopolitan is the lifestylist and cheerleader for millions of fun, fearless females. Cosmo inspires with information on relationships and romance, fashion and beauty, women’s health and well-being, as well as pop culture and entertainment.
MagazineValuesCosmopolitan UK is famous for its upbeat style, focus on the young career woman and candid discussion of contemporary male/female relationships. Since its founding in 1886 as a magazine for 'first-class families', Cosmopolitan has been reporting on modern social trends. In the '60s, Cosmopolitan pioneered its then-radical message to women: 'Live big, go for it, be the best you can be in every area of your life'. Today, Cosmopolitan is more than just a magazine; it is a lifestyle, followed avidly by its readers.
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