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Flight Journal
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AmazonFLIGHT JOURNAL includes articles on aviation history and contemporary practice; military, commercial and civil aircraft; notable personalities of aviation; technical aspects of aircraft; visits to air shows and museums; reports on restorations; aviation photography; three-view aircraft drawings; aviation art; and coverage of the virtual flight experiences available through computer flight simulations.
SpeedyMagsFlight Journal captures the vital spirit, drama, and evolution of man's winged adventures. Bi-monthly, you'll receive a high-flying experience and an unrivaled opportunity to "explore the aviation adventure."
MagazineValuesSoaring above the clouds. That amazing, almost breathless feeling you get at the point of takeoff. Flight Journal is a magazine created expressly to capture the vital spirit, the drama and the evolution of man's winged adventure. Flight Journal is fashioned to bring that experience directly to readers and offer an unrivaled opportunity to explore the aviation adventure.
MagazineLineFlight Journal covers the world of aviation from its simple beginnings to its no-holds-barred future
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