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Guns and Ammo
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DiscountMagsThis magazine is edited for sportsmen with an interest in the practical application of sporting firearms and emphasizes their safe and proper use. The magazine delivers an editorial mix that includes hunting, shooting, reloading, antique and modern arms, ballistics and arms legislation. As well, it contains information about natural resource and environmental protection, new products and trends.
AmazonGuns & Ammo spotlights the latest models, from combat pistols to magnum shooting tactics, from stance to sighting...and explores issues from government policies to sportsmen's rights. It's the one magazine that brings you all aspects of the world of guns.
SpeedyMagsFor the sportsman with an interest in practical application of sporting firearms & their safe and practical use. Highlights hunting, shooting, antique and modern arm. Ballistics and arm legislation.
MagazineValuesThis magazine is edited for sportsmen with an interest in the practical application of sporting firearms and emphasizes their safe and proper use.
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