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Hobby Farms
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AmazonRural living DIY tips Maximizing your farm's profits Keeping your animals healthy Tales from other hobby farmers
SpeedyMagsThe magazine for rural enthusiasts, from small farmers working the land for their livelihood, to pocket farmers aiming to make a profit, to hobby farmers. Addresses basic and core information for newcomers, but also dives into advanced how-to information and numerous resources for more information.
MagazineValuesHobby Farms is edited for all rural enthusiasts. It speaks to small farmers working for their livelihood, part-time pocket farmers trying to make a profit and hobby farmers who just enjoy the lifestyle outside of their day jobs.
DiscountMagsA must-have magazine for rural enthusiasts. Hobby Farms embraces the growing segment of the population that is returning to farm life in search of a more meaningful existence. It is ideal for everyone from pocket farmers looking to make a profit from their part-time farming endeavors to hobby farmers who have a passion for farm life. Articles address the basic and core information these newcomers need to succeed, but also delve into advanced how-to information.
MagazineLineHobby Farms Magazine is for rural enthusiasts, pocket and part-time farmers, and full-on farmers.
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