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Kiplinger's Personal Finance
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MagazineLineKiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine provides advice to maximize your personal financial position
SubscriptionAddictionKiplinger's Personal Finance is written for consumers to help them live better by providing them with practical information about how to maximize their current assets and to help them to anticipate opportunities in todays changing economy.
DiscountMagsKIPLINGER'S PERSONAL FINANCE MAGAZINE provides affluent readers with the information they need to make smart decisions about their money. Each issue includes intelligent reporting on investments, taxes, insurance, paying for college, planning for retirement, home ownership, major purchases such as cars and computers and other personal finance topics.
MagazineValuesKiplinger's Personal Finance is written for consumers to help them live better by providing them with practical information about how to maximize their current assets and to help them to anticipate opportunities in today's changing economy.
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