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DiscountMagsThe New Republic Magazine is an award-winning journal of opinion that covers both the state of the Nation and the state of the Culture. Ever since it's founding in 1914, the mission of New Republic has been to provide readers with an intelligent, stimulating and rigorous examination of American politics, foreign policy and culture, and TNR still covers issues before they hit the mainstream, from energy to the environment, from foreign to fiscal policy. By publishing the best writing from a variety of points of view, The New Republic has established itself as America's best and most influential journal of opinion, and goes behind the headlines to focus on politics, books, and the arts from a progressive point of view. Each issue of New Republic is a blend of investigative journalism, unfettered opinions, mold-shattering cultural critiques, unrepentant judgments, radical heresies, pointed ironies, bold exposures, debunked myths, and commentaries that shatter facile explanations.
MagazineValuesTailored for smart, curious, socially aware readers, The New Republic covers politics, culture and big ideas from an unbiased and thought-provoking perspective. Well-known for its century-old tradition of providing context and analysis beyond the daily headlines, The New Republic has been reimagined for the 21st century with fresh and compelling design across print, digital, and mobile devices. If you like timely journalism that sparks important conversations, you'll love rediscovering The New Republic.
SubscriptionAddictionThe New Republic is a journal of opinion with an emphasis on politics and domestic and international affairs. It carries feature articles by staff and contributing editors. The second half of each issue is devoted to book and the arts, theater, motion pictures, music and art.
MagazineLineThe liberal New Republic Magazine offers opinion, news and editorial emphasis on affairs
Direct Magazine Servicehe New Republic magazine features thought-provoking, unbiased coverage of politics, culture, and the world of ideas.
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