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DiscountMagsTV Guide is America's favorite source of weekly TV listings. Each weekly issue features full-color listings, insider scoops, exclusive behind the scene views into the nations favorite shows, and interviews with top stars. This magazine subscription is the perfect guide for TV enthusiasts. Don't miss another show, get TV Guide delivered to your door. An annual (52 week) subscription to TV Guide Magazine will be delivered in the form of 26 double issues. Cover price is $4.99.
MagazineLineTV Guide Magazine is now full-size and full-color, for people who are passionate about their shows
SpeedyMagsTV Guide holds the key to the world of entertainment. Each weekly issue keeps you up-to-date on the hottest shows, trends, celebrities and what's coming up.
AmazonTV Guide is now Full-Size, Full-Color, for people who are passionate about their favorite shows, characters, and stars. Plus, an easier-to-use national listings section with more highlights and reviews. TV Guide Magazine publishes 26 double issues a year. Each double issue counts as two issues of the 52 issue annual subscription.
MagazineValuesTV Guide holds the key to the world of entertainment. Each issue keeps you up-to-date on the hottest shows, trends, celebrities and what's coming up. An annual (52 week) subscription to TV Guide Magazine will be delivered in the form of 26 double issues. Cover price is $4.99.
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