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MagazineValuesPresents information on fine interiors, gardens, table settings, floral displays, recipes, travel, southern prose and a social calendar.
SubscriptionAddictionVeranda Magazine is a stylish, high end entertainment and decorating magazine featuring authoritative articles and magnificent layouts. This is a design magazine that addresses historic and geographic influences on the art of design, with an international orientation and also covers diverse topics such as furnishings, restaurants, and good food.
AmazonVisit the world's most fascinating interiors and view the work of leading designers in stunningly beautiful pages filled with the latest and best home furnishings, table settings, garden ideas and cuisine.
DiscountMagsVeranda Magazine is an award-winning magazine filled with exquisite photographs of fascinating homes, glorious flower arrangements, elegant table settings, sumptuous, tempting recipes and breath-taking landscapes. Each issue is intended to be retained indefinitely in your personal library.
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