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Wine Spectator
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AmazonWINE SPECTATOR is edited for people who enjoy fine dining and wine, cooking and entertaining, world travel and the arts. The magazine features current news, personality profiles, wine and food articles as well as pieces on entertainment and travel.
MagazineValuesWINE SPECTATOR is for people who enjoy fine dining and wine, cooking and entertaining, world travel and the arts. Every issue features over 1,000 wine ratings and tasting notes, to help you find the perfect bottle of wine, in every price range.
SpeedyMagsABOUT WINE SPECTATOR MAGAZINE Wine Spectator magazine features fine dinning, wineries, wine producers and all things wine. Find restaurant reviews, cooking and entertaining features, travel and personality profiles from the wine industry too.
MagazineLineWine Spectator is devoted to all things wine, including ratings & reviews of wine around the world.
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