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DiscountMagsInstructing and inspiring writers since 1887, The Writer is an indispensable magazine for both professional and aspiring writers. Each issue includes articles written by leading writers in all fields. Tips on manuscript submission and up-to-date market information are also included.
MagazineLineThe Writer Magazine can boost any writer to the next level with inspiration, tips, and solutions
AmazonJoin thousands of successful writers when you subscribe.Each month Writer magazine is full of features you can use to improve your writing,including before-and-after examples of improved writing, more literary markets than ever before,practical solutions for writing problems and hands-on advise.
SpeedyMagsToday's best-selling writers discuss dialogue, plotting, characterization, suspense, romantic fiction; non-fiction writers cover interviewing, research, finding good subjects, how and when to query, turning personal experience into salable articles and books.
MagazineValuesToday's best-selling writers discuss dialogue, plotting, characterization, suspense, romantic fiction; non-fiction writers cover interviewing, research, finding good subjects, how and when to query, turning personal experience into salable articles and books.
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